Monday, November 23, 2009

My New Eagle Scout

8:55 pm on November 23rd, 2009 Jared Mathews Linney earned the highest rank in scouting-Eagle. Congratulations Jared, I'm so proud of perseverance and dedication over the years it takes to achieve this Nationally Recognized Level of Honor. 1st photo...receiving rank 2nd photo...your current & previous Scout Masters give you a parking lot celebration from the trunk of their's a Troop 35 tradition!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Louis' 50th (and my bday too...)

Did ya know you get in FREE on your birthday this year? A Little side note~Nov. 18th is Mickey Mouse's Bday too! Anyhow, It was a biggie for Louis, and this was a super way to feel young & enjoy our family together in a place where everyone has a perpetual smile on their face. The weather was warm & wonderful...the lines were unbelievably short...and we all acted like kids, racing around from ride to ride until we had gone on our favorites twice. We stayed until it was dark & getting cold...but not long enough for the ending fireworks show??? Weird, huh...considering what Louis does for a living.
What a great way to celebrate his turning 50... ...and I got to wear my 'vintage ears'! Fun, Fun, Fun

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Update on our home's exterior re-do project

More Before~
& After~ The project is coming right along... still no rain gutters or awnings yet... (because, of course, it's raining today) but the paint, siding, lighting & shutters are all done!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

November Crafting

My Good Things Girls group got together to create wreaths from inexpensive ornaments... We shared laughs as the ball popped off, flew around the room & eventually stayed where they belonged with the help of lots from super glue.... Good Times made for a Good Evening!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

THE big project around here...

BEFORE~ Termite damage, stained & broken siding, peeling paint name it, it needs a make over ~ SERIOUSLY!
Ahhhh...much better! We've still got trim work, rain gutter, shutters, awnings & lighting to finish up ....but it's getting there