May has come and gone.
Rounding out the month was Jared's final Swim Competition,
(Here's my dad, proudly tracking Jared's race times & medals won)
That ends his high school aquatics career and it was time to graduate...
But 1st, he had Baccalaureate Mass, where my mom attended,
And then, his graduation night followed by an all night sober grad party.
The next day, we had a celebration lunch in his honor...
And finally, one last meal out before our weekend came to an end
& our dear friends had to leave for their home.
Now here it is, the beginning of JUNE, & Audra says that means it's HER TURN!
On the 1st, she had her end of school swim party....
Then on the 2nd, she came home HAPPY
with a handful of awards on her last day of 7th grade...

and didn't miss a beat getting right into PARTY MODE, since it was her big 'Turning Teen' BIRTHDAY!!!
So she's been celebrating with her 2 best school buds ~ including a sleepover, presents, cake & ice cream, projecting movies on the wall outside, a fireworks show (compliments of her dad, of course), crepes at the Parisian Cafe and an appointment to get feathers installed in their hair.