Tuesday, July 29, 2008

More Bottle Cap Crafts??? Am I crazy???

I don't seem to have the bottle cap obsession out of my system yet.
I found a belt made with a simple lobster claw clasp, links, and caps....while searching out shops & crafts on Etsy....& then I HAD TO COPY THE IDEA!
The only problem is....(and this is why my photo shows only a partially completed belt)....that
#1-I ran out of the little split rings that I needed to attach the links onto the caps, which required I go to several stores to find the correct metal & size ring also...
#2-My hands can only take so much hole punching before they are too weak to continue, which is stretching this project out well over a week (I admit that I have whimpy hands)

My daughter would appreciate it if I'd finish sooner rather than later....since she's "Ready to Wear it" now, please.