Thanks to friend-fellow scrapbooker-Girl scout leader-internet blogger-crafter-elementary aide- & mommy EXTRAORDINAIRE...I had this little project to "throw together" for my daughter's teacher.Believe it or not, I had almost everything on the suggested list of items,But, I will confess to some serious digging to rummage it all up...It includes a Scroll (attached at the top of the paint tin) that explains the contents:things like...Rick Rack for a school year filled with ups & downs and a Wiggly Eye for when you wish you really did have eyes in the back of your head and a Battery for you to keep going, going, going and a Star to remind you to shine and a Clothespin to help you "hang in there"and a Rubber Glove to lend a helping handand a Flower Pot to remind you that you are here to plant seeds for the future
and a Snowflake for when all else fails, Pray for a snow day.
and a Penny because as a're priceless.I hope my daughter's teacher gets as much of a kick out of this
as I did putting it together for her!!!