Thursday, November 20, 2008

2 days of celebrating!!

My friends celebrated my birthday with me...and what a lucky girl I am!!! First of all, my sweet sister, Erin, made me dinner on my Eve... ...followed by a coffee & pedicure date with my fun friend, Suzelle! (no photos of either of these 2 good times....rats!) A lunch date with the Wilson Girls...where the waiter brought us complimentary oozing hot chocolate lava cake to share for dessert...and I was the recipient of lovely presents...blessings abound! And...a couple of the knotty knitters conspired to "gift me" with a project to make, my first pair of human size socks...with THE most lovely hand dyed yarn in Mermaid colors (made by Janice) and the wisdom & guidance will come from my personal "knitting~sansei" Cindy (this is no subtle hint Cindy, the book doesn't get you out of helping me along!!!). A big THANKS to you all...for making a girl feel celebrated...and not just a bit older.