Thursday, July 23, 2009

Jared's Big Summer Boy Scouting Adventure

Leaving from on the Amtrak Train for a 2 day & 1 night ride...just to get where he's going...
Located in Cimarron, New Mexico
Gear Check at the Base camp~
On the Trail...shorter hike days means a game of Risk at the camp site for these guys...
Jared has to use his left hand...and can't do a few of the activities (like Black Powder Rifles) because of his broken thumb...but it doesn't keep him from enjoying his trip.
'Death Crew 2' (half of the guys) ~ Atop Mount Phillips
Starting at sunrise every morning....hiking 3 to 10 miles each day...
The last mountain peak...The Tooth of Time...base camp is back in site...
Yeah! He did it! 12 nights in the wilderness...81 miles of hiking...40 bug bites & 16 HUGE blisters on his feet! Jared reports that it was one of the BEST Boy Scouting Adventures he has ever had! (I feel so relieved to have him back home, safe & sound....15 nights was a loooong time.)