Sunday, June 27, 2010

An Assortment of ODD Stuff...

Item #1 ~ The kids had to switch their scheduled Altar Serving day
so we can go to my Family's Ventura Beach Party
over the weekend of the 4th! 
They ended up with The Feast of Saint Anthony service...
which includes a parade through the parking lot.
Getting them outside also means a photo op for me,
(as the lighting is SO much better than inside the church)
I'm so glad they were willing to accomodate me,
& pose with Deacon John...
it makes my heart glad to see them so attired!
 Item #2 ~ As repairs continue in our house this week, 
I found myself FORCED out of the house...
here's a view from my hammock (yep, it's a rough life) 
on the last day cool enough to BE outside!
 Today it's supposed to hit 106 degrees...
I think I'll stay in & run the A/C.

Item #3 ~ We spent all day yesterday by another pool...
as Jared's summer water polo club hosted a tournament...
Our 18 & under team took 1st Place 
Way to go Boys!

Item #4 ~CUPCAKES!!!
This has been my recent baking obsession...
 Banana Cupcakes with Peanut Butter & Nutella Frostings!
(made for Audra's birthday)
 Roasted Banana Cupcakes 
(made for my crafter's group exchange party)
Triple Citrus Cupcakes
(test run recipe...some of them are still in the freezer)
 I've made quite a few others too,
but I haven't always had the camera nearby~
TOO HOT now to turn on the oven....
The baking will resume come fall!

Item #5 ~ I've Finally put some of the shells 
I've been collecting for YEARS
to use around my house.
Idea taken from the pottery barn catalogs-
Lantern acquired (inexpensively for $6) on a trip to IKEA-
Candle is flameless, real wax coated,
& battery operated, that I picked up at Target-
It comes on all by itself every evening for 4 hours!