Saturday, January 22, 2011

JANUARY far...
Audra's had her two cotillion nights
...TOGA Times!
She got in her 1st ski time 
of the season last Sunday and
She's going again tomorrow 
& taking Morgan along too!
Jared is always Out the Door on the way Somewhere
...usually for SCHOOL or to Swim Practice...
or duties for Campus Ministry...
Here he is working the Junior Class Retreat
(but looks like he's just playing cards to me)
 Louis is back to busy times at work, 
but enjoys the weekends for a Father-Daughter Dance
& day trips to ski with the kids too.
I am back to the normal stuff of life, taxi, groceries, laundry...
 preparing pretty produce,
& playing with my photos
It's all good ~ 
The Blessings of Routine!