Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Success the 1st Time Around!!!
French Macarons have a reputation for being tricky in home kitchens.

Soooo, I've been putting off actually baking them for quite awhile now. I've been reading foodie blogs & books to learn about these little beauties for, well...hum...let me think...definitely over a year now...maybe 2? Can't quite put my finger on it. Anyway, I've gotten my hands on a few to eat & they are as delightful as they are pretty. So the time had come & I put all the little tips I've been collecting to use today...and here they are...A Success! With the proper PIED (little feet) too! Yeah!

I don't get worked up about My Kitchen Creations, now do I?
Happy Girl Today.

Batter made, piped & resting...got just enough time to pick up youngest child up from school...before I get them into the oven.

This photo taken was thru the oven door - yippee, little frilly feet!

Out of the oven & cooling...I can hardly wait to taste one...
CAN'T WAIT for the filling, gotta eat one STILL WARM!

Okay, the tested results are GOOD & worth filling ~ Sharffenberger Bittersweet Chocolate Ganache should do nicely.

Love a day to play in my kitchen.